Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2 Paragraph Creative Piece

Full of confidence ran through the room. As Athena stood big and mighty. Everyone knew she was trustworthy, even in the most breakneck situations. Anyone else would have takin' it as a compliment, but Athena treated it as if it was gift or a special power given to her. The citizens made her feel felicitated by the valiant expressions made. The support within the people did nothing but emboldened Athena's thinking. The ground shook boisterously as the atmosphere erupted by the amount of faith.

There went the confidence, fighting for dignity as they furiously stomped as the bottom of their feet made contact with the ground. Not for one second they had a sense of being agitated. The reliance on Athena was encouraging. Feeling overwhelmed, Athena led the pack, with an assured expression that was easily noticed.She established a community that felt they could not be defeated.

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